I have to admit, I am the world's worst blogger. I just cannot seem to find the time to blog. I spend plenty of time reading other's blogs so you'd think I would be inspired to write in my own, but alas, such is not the case.
I have been knitting. I just finished knitting a baby bib and two wash cloths. Pretty boring, huh? I'm now knitting this shopping tote found on
Frugal Knitting Haus.I plan to knit projects like these to use up my acrylic yarn stash. At one time, I acquired a huge amount of acrylic yarn as payment for helping a blind women organize her knitting stash. She was an incredible
knitter and an incredible yarn horder. Initially I thought
this was a great thing. I have young kids and knitting things in acrylic yarn just made sense for the durability and washability factor.
But I have become a
yarn snob. To tell you the truth, I thought this would never happen because I am CHEAP but it seems that all my frugal sense escapes me when I get in a real yarn store.