Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Loom Podcast in the Future?

Well, I just about have a loom knitting video podcast ready. I used my little instructional videos, pictures from my gallery, a few splash screens and voila! video podcast. I'm doing the voice over now and hope to have it up on iTunes next week.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Stitches Midwest

I went to Stitches Midwest earlier this month. I was going to have all these pictures and information to add to my blog but such is not the case. WTF! No cameras?! I was completely disappointed and will probably not attend another Stitches ever. I have attended loads of scrapbooking and rubber stamping conventions and never once did they prohibit taking pictures. I won't buy the pattern now nor the yarn because I can't remember what it friggin' looks like! Me thinks they are idiots.

Friday, August 18, 2006

World's Worst Blogger

I have to admit, I am the world's worst blogger. I just cannot seem to find the time to blog. I spend plenty of time reading other's blogs so you'd think I would be inspired to write in my own, but alas, such is not the case.

I have been knitting. I just finished knitting a baby bib and two wash cloths. Pretty boring, huh? I'm now knitting this shopping tote found on Frugal Knitting Haus.
I plan to knit projects like these to use up my acrylic yarn stash. At one time, I acquired a huge amount of acrylic yarn as payment for helping a blind women organize her knitting stash. She was an incredible knitter and an incredible yarn horder. Initially I thought this was a great thing. I have young kids and knitting things in acrylic yarn just made sense for the durability and washability factor.

But I have become a yarn snob. To tell you the truth, I thought this would never happen because I am CHEAP but it seems that all my frugal sense escapes me when I get in a real yarn store.